Thursday, January 22, 2009


So the past few weeks have been a little crazy and we havn't added anything new in a while. I started school last week and I love it. I'm a little tired because I'm still working close to full time and taking 13 credits. It also means that I don't get to see Alex much anymore. That part of it sucks, but there's not much we can really do about it. Alex is working hard on some new music and doing really well with recording. He's almost done with his second EP! Phil is home now also. He's going to school too! He seems pretty excitted about it too. We have some new pictures to add but are having some issues uploading them, they will be added hopefully soon.


Gramie Cari said...

Sweet Jen I am so proud of you and your ambition to go to school, I miss seeing you so much. Alex gets really lonely missing you too.

melissahurst99 said...

Good job on going to school! Did you know that ISU has an awesome Nursing Program?! I think you should move down here! Just transfer to the Walmart here and ISU! It would be great!